conventional line

enriched line


Where to buy

Where to buy Barleycup - Holland & Barrett stores around the country
Holland & Barrett stores around the country
The following products are available at Holland & Barrett’s:

Barleycup in powder 200 g
Barleycup in granules 200 g

and online

Barleycup Organic 100 g
Barleycup with Dandelion 100 g


Where to buy Barleycup - independent health food stores across the country
independent health food stores across the country
The following products are available in Independent Health Foods stores:

Barleycup in powder 100 g
Barleycup in powder 200 g
Barleycup in granules 200 g
Barleycup with Dandelion 100 g
Barleycup Organic 100 g



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Barleycup distributor in the UK
Healthy Sales Group
Daux Road, Billingshurst, England, RH14 9SJ, United Kingdom
Tel. 0044 1403786460
Barleycup is produced by:
GRANA sp. z o.o.
ul. Pilsudskiego 1
32-050 Skawina, Poland